With September's launch cancelled due to the overgrowth of flammable grass and weeds, we're asking folks who want to return to flying at TIMPA soon to come out to help clear the grass and weeds from the area directly around the launch pads and other range improvements. The City of Tucson will be mowing the grass and weeds in the coming weeks, but we need to clear the flammable materials from the areas where heavy equipment can't reach. Please come out with any suitable yard tools you have to help clear the range for flight again:
SARA will provide refreshments, shade, and camaraderie. With enough volunteers, the work will go quickly!
Thank you!
James Cramton SARA President
Copyright © 2022 Southern Arizona Rocketry Association (SARA)SARA is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Tucson, Arizona