RSVP Requested! Please let us know if you plan to attend SARA's 2022 annual meeting in person or via Zoom.
SARA's 2022 annual meeting is coming up! Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 1 pm - 4 pm at Rocketry Works: 1603 S Eastside Loop. We'll hold a brief (< 1 hour) meeting in the church next door to review our accomplishments for the year, brainstorm how we can improve next year, and to vote on the 2023 board of directors. We'll also honor those who helped keep the club running this year, and we'll award prizes for last week's C6-7 altitude contest! If you're interested in running for a slot on SARA's board of directors, it's a great way to help the club succeed, and it's a good way to be more involved in our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. If you're interested, and you are a family, junior, or lifetime member 12 years of age or older, shoot an email to, or raise your hand at the annual meeting.
After the official business, we'll regroup outdoors for a casual swap meet of any rocketry stuff you would like to buy, sell, trade, or give away. Bring a pop up and a table and work on thinning or growing that pile of rocketry gear!
The meeting portion will be available via zoom as well for folks who can't attend in person:
Meeting ID: 813 1294 9592
Passcode: 127382
We hope to see you there!
Copyright © 2022 Southern Arizona Rocketry Association (SARA)SARA is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Tucson, Arizona